End Game
a political thriller
When his nation is destroyed and his people are maligned by the global media, an innocent army officer finds himself falsely accused of crimes against humanity. Chased across the countryside by bounty hunters, he is arrested and brought to a politically motivated world court to be judged.
During the course of his incarceration and trial, he struggles to find the true meaning of justice, honor, and liberty in the face of an unyielding superpower.
Read an Excerpt from End Game
We knew that they would come, but we didn’t know when. They surrounded our village in darkness, silent and wary as wolves. It was late spring, and a soft rain had been falling for days, bringing with it a mist that enveloped our village and obscured the stars.
Our commander was as nervous as a cat and spat curses between drags on his cigarette. He dismantled and cleaned his weapons again and again. It took the edge off. He was worried because the headman of our village had sent some boys out to high pasture with the sheep, and the dogs had gone with them. There would be no forewarning.
Before that, the headman had sent the women and children to the Albanian border and had said whoever wanted to go with them should volunteer now. I wanted to go, but a warning look from my older brother, Rexcep, stopped me, and I hung back, not daring to look when the convoy of cars left.
The commander, a short wiry man, had come to the village with a mission. He had automatic weapons and some combat training, it seems. He never commented on his past, but I heard from one of his team that the weapons and the training came courtesy of the Germans and the CIA, who had positioned themselves on the Albanian side of the border.
‘Hey, you, poet, quit dreaming. Get out there and relieve the watch.’ That was Agim, a man whose coarse choppy haircut made him seem as if he was wearing an animal’s pelt on his head. ‘You too, fat man, back him up,’ he ordered. The fat man, whose one source of entertainment since he had come to our village had been to torment me, stopped snickering.
‘Fuck,’ he said. Agim threw him a weapon.
‘You little shit,’ the fat man said. I could feel his moist breath right behind me, ‘You know why Agim sent you out here, right? Because he can’t afford to lose his good fighters.’
‘You’re out here too, Fat Man,’ I said, not looking back at the others, who were lounging and smoking and talking among themselves. That ought to shut him up, I thought. But he went on, ‘When those overgrown bastards come, I’ll rip them apart with my bare hands and hang them by their -‘ The fat man never got a chance to finish his fantasy, because, at that very moment, he went down in a heap, his skull exploding. I hit the ground.
I didn’t have a chance to fire my weapon as a warning to the others before the ground was littered with bullets. I felt a searing pain shoot up my leg as an explosion of light blinded me. I tried to grab my gun but was caught in the crossfire. I heard them coming, and flipping myself over, crawled behind the woodpile. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would fly out of my chest and over our village, straight into the woods.
I was afraid to look down at my leg, at the sticky blood that I could feel gushing out freely amidst the leafy debris. I peeled off my shirt and made a tourniquet for my leg. All this seemed to happen as if time had slowed, then come to a complete stop. I heard the battle raging, but, it too, seemed far away. All I could think was that I would lose my leg if I managed to survive. I could hear my own blood pulsing with a soft shrrr –shrrr sound that intensified with each passing moment.
Then I remembered the last time I had seen my girl, Aida. She had sneaked out to meet me against her father’s wishes. Her father was a policeman loyal to the Belgrade regime and had big plans for his daughter. He wasn’t going to see her waste herself on someone like me who had nothing to offer. I knew she loved me, but she was an obedient daughter. After we parted, I waited around to see her family leave for Serbia where they would have to start all over again, like thousands of other Albanian Kosovars who felt an allegiance to Yugoslavia.
I think that is where I was going when they caught me. Somehow I thought that I could reach Aida. I was almost in the woods when I heard heavy footsteps. I couldn’t see a thing and found myself near a copse of trees. I put my arms up to shield myself. Two giant men, wearing infrared visors, stood in front of me, their guns loaded and ready to fire.
‘It’s a kid,’ the one on the left said.
‘Kids have an uncanny way of growing up,’ the other replied.
‘He’s been shot,’ the man on the left said, bending down to examine my leg. ‘Pick him up,’ he ordered.
The other man hoisted me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I must have been stiff with fear because he said with a laugh, ‘Don’t worry little Shiptar, you’re going to live.’ He carried me through the village and put me in back of a truck with four other wounded men. We waited for their team to assemble.
‘Finished, Dragan?’ I heard one of them ask.
‘Yes,’ the man named Dragan replied, lighting a cigarette.
‘The commander and the others from the KLA?’
‘Let’s go then.’
I must have passed out, and when I came to, I was in the hospital. The doctors managed to save my leg, although I’ll always have a limp, they say. When I walk out of here, I’ll keep walking straight to Aida, and then we’ll leave for Canada if we can.
What Readers Say
Once again L.S. Temmer’s investigative writer, Ulyce Robideaux, and his assistant, Marianne Popovich, go up against well concealed global villains. This time in the war‑torn former Yugoslavia. Unlike the fictitious events of her earlier book, Death Of An Activist, much of which took place in an unnamed South American country, the plot of End Game is masterfully woven into the real history of a real place. In this respect End Game is more of a historical thriller than the earlier Robideaux book.
Compared to their adventures in Death Of An Activist, Robideaux and Marianne have somewhat of a lower profile in this book. Three richly developed characters ‑ an opportunistic Bosnian bounty hunter, a narcissistic, careerist Swiss prosecutor for the kangaroo court set up by the West to try war crimes in the former Yugoslavia and a Serbian army officer ‑ take center stage. The army officer, falsely accused of war crimes, is on the run, chased by the bounty hunter and is eagerly awaited by the prosecutor.
In addition to the thrill of the chase and the farce of the ensuing political show trial, Temmer also exposes us to a history lesson. She effectively layers on the device of minor characters relating the history of the region and the West’s malevolent role in shaping much of that recent history. Those readers who get their news largely from the American corporate media will be surprised to learn that much of what they were told about the violent happenings and their causes in the former Yugoslavia are simply not true. The West’s and especially America’s diplomatic and military interventions were not selflessly noble as was portrayed in the media but rather viciously self‑serving with tragic consequences for the region’s inhabitants. Nor were the Serbs monstrous mass murderers and the Croats and Muslims innocent victims. Those three groups were in fact embraced in a death dance choreographed by the West.
As in all good thrillers, End Game treats the reader to colorful local scenery and customs, believable supporting characters who help move the story along, plot twists and unexpected outcomes. Temmer’s already excellent writing style in Death Of An Activist is ratcheted up a few notches in End Game. The recent insider’s revelation about government’s pervasive electronic surveillance of us all is opening people’s minds to the possibility that there is much more to the workings of our world than we have been led to believe. End Game provides us with a finely crafted glimpse of a fragment of that nefarious, hidden world. It’s a worthy sequel to Temmer’s Death Of An Activist and hopefully only the second of many more books yet to come in the Robideaux series.
As an aside, it’s very much worth viewing the superb trailer for End Game on either You Tube or on the author’s Amazon page. It’s comparable in quality to the best of Hollywood’s teaser trailers.
“End Game” by L.S. Temmer is the most exceptional new book I have read in a long time. It is refreshing to know that there is a writer today who courageously and thoroughly based a story about events in the Balkans as well as exposing the so called ‘Kangaroo Court’ in the Hague, Netherlands; which still remains in session.
L.S. Temmer based her more recent Balkan wars story on actual survivor and witness accounts rather than the Western world media’s biased fabrications. Her research included extracts from the Hague court proceedings. In doing so, was able to also expose the surprising and scandalous rules set in place by the faceless and unscrupulous individuals who are a part of the new world order.
Even though the characters are fictitious, the author richly and vibrantly presents each one and the skillfully written plot prompts the reader to incessantly turn each page.

If you enjoyed End Game, read Book One of the Robideaux series Death of an Activist